F.B.O. 508 (c)(1)(a)

Consciousness Spirituality & old world internal kung fu

Even if we do not realize it yet,... things of the DIVINE and of CREATOR OF ALL (GOD) have been downplayed.

People within our societies - and of the 21st century way of doing things - are being entrained to avoid this like it is some kind of plague.

You aught to be asking 'why', and also, 'whose agenda is this?' And why now?

Old World Internal Kung fu has serious keys, locked within it, to not only answer slews of these questions, but also who and what we are, and the kind of power we carry around with us.

Using this tool as part of your spiritual understanding and enlightenment will do really good things for you,... and those around you.

Who & Why

this site is brought to you by // VINCENT PEPPERS

In all of the different nations, countries, and cultures, we are no longer well. This has been going on for decades. It has now built up to the point of so very many people in our/your communities, our/your towns, our/your groups, our/your cities are sick, and not well. And no one can - or will - explain to you why this is. This is going on across this whole world.
For many of us, who have bought into the ongoing brainwashing and mind bending programming of how we think, it may be too late.

But,... for the rest of us that really want a life not destroyed by sickness and metabolic disorders, it is not too late. Because we really are four component beings (by design), and living through a planetary system - there are solutions built into the system we exist in.
The rulers of the world (call them what you will) rule through institutions. They have no interest in changing one damn thing. These 'rulers' have agendas. Populations that are well, and can still actually think and take action,... this goes against their agendas.
WE REALLY DO NEED to recover proper health, and just as importantly, proper thinking. So, that will be the primary focus of this time now.


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A Wow Feature-

We are all living in an incredibly complicated brainwashed space in today's time.

A Beautiful Feature-

We all live through a four component system - and it is loaded to the hilt with massive solutions we can ALL clue into.

An Amazing Feature-

Two of our four components, built into ALL of us, deal with the energy of CREATOR LIFE-FORCE and also the connection to CREATOR LIFE-FORCE. The latter can easily be seen as something like an internet connection. And yes,... we are talking about GOD. A piece of what GOD is - IS ACTUALLY inside of us all!

Featured (up and coming) Videos

I have ahold of a vast system,and certain parts and pieces of it need to be known, practiced, and put out into the mess we have going on now. It acts as a counter balance to the overflow of madness this planet has become. The other is that all of us are so bombarded by data being jammed into us today,... people no longer care about reading. Hint: make sure you take the effort to read my important books though. They carry serious value for you!.


I give high thanks and praise for the designers of this template. THANKS!!!

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In order to get the very most value out of this site, I seriously urge you to follow this link to:

and listen carefully to every audio clip you can find on that site. It is all about the workings and importance of the here and now.