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Spirit Physics Coffee House

-The place for our like-minded Tribe-

Spirit Physics is exactly what it says it is. It is a place to look at and explore things that pertain to our lives. That would be spirit & physics. We all live our lives on a physical material planet. But every one of us is also living our lives within a spirit plain and within energy substance. This is what the Earth experience is. The 21st century is a different time. It is a time when spirituality, healing, religion, physics, science, and the variations of our different paradigms are all in flux.

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The picture above says lots, really look into it-

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About This Video

HEIGHTENED VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY is a very powerful tool for these times. After you practice this, you will realize what an understatement that is. This video is around two hours long and goes into some of the most profound understandings of meditation and how it works at the core of humans. It is mind blowing stuff. And worth every nickel. The actual meditation on here is very real, very serious, and seriously effective! In short,... this video is yet another very real GODSEND for this time.

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